Easter Traditions


Easter is looming over our heads…

But what does Easter mean for you? Is it indulging in hot cross buns?  Is it stacking up on Easter eggs even though the children are all grown? Is it investing in Easter bouquets? Or Is it simply preparing the bun and cheese, hard dough bread, fried fish, ackee and saltfish?

Never mind the pandemic, oops! Should l have said that? 😉

Well, if you ask me, it all depends on the weather as Easter for some is a welcome break, a time to enjoy a walk around the park, meet up with friends and family, whilst to many here in the UK, the essence of Easter for the believer is the death and resurrection of the Christ Jesus..

Jesus, On the Wednesday before his death,  was in Bethany, in the house of Simon the Leper and four days preceding, He entered Jerusalem on a donkey.

As we swiftly head towards Easter you may want to reflect on the final part of Jesus’ ministry during  his last week in Jerusalem which ends in his crucifixion. Mark 15:21-41

The significance of Jesus’s crucifixion calls attention and serves as a reminder of His mission and for Christians, it is a great leveller which gives all the opportunity to crucify grudges,  malice,  hate and unforgiveness.

Jesus is the reason for this season. May you enjoy the break  knowing and  understanding Easters true significance.⚘


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