Write to Heal

Thank you to Emma for your help at the Write to Heal event in Enfield. Thank you to Jannis, Remi and the delegates. Thank you also to Artist and Filmmaker Rebecca Feiner who showed her short collaboration film poem: Breath Chamber – Both homage and lament to lives lost during the pandemic. This film helps…

Expect More

Whatever you expect you will receive. The mind is very powerful. Negative  thoughts can manifest into unfavourable situations. So, learn to expect positivity into your life. You get what you expect. As this year unfolds and with only one month to the end of the year, expect more business, expect more support,  expect more love, expect more joy,…

Blessings Galore

Today, God answered my prayers. An injustice became justice in case no. 1 In case no.2 compensation awarded. Back to back blessings. To God be the glory. Two years of spritual battles, early morning, through till 12 midnight and sometimes 3am prayers, fasting, sacrificing… The moral of this post is never never give up. If…

Writers Event

Writers Meet-up is taking place at the beautiful Dalston Curve Garden on Wednesday 27th July from 2pm New writers welcome Guest Author Writing, support and feedback Performances  Do you have a story to tell? Writers Meet-up is taking place at the beautiful  Dalston Curve Garden on Wednesday 27th July from 2pm        …

Birthday Surprise

  A beautiful surprise! Thank you to Remi Jones , a dear friend, advisor and who was a long- standing ‘super’ volunteer of The Eden Jar. Another year goes by to make a difference with where I am going and of course, this includes the Eden Jar. I’ve always said that I would love another…